Workforce retention crucial hacks
Wanted to share my top 3 crucial practices to ensure 2024 is better than 2023 for you AND your staff.
I'm obsessed with helping people just like you to create a workplace framework where NO ONE wants to quit!
Top to bottom responsibility: the support staff MUST feel they are equally SEEN and HEARD compared with supervisors. Supervisors must must be held accountable for how they treat and support those under them.
Younger staff WANT to be mentored: do whatever you can to connect younger/newer staff to seasoned/older staff in one-on-one or one-on-two mentoring relationships.
Mental health AUDITS often: either meet personally with every staff, or bare-minimum send a personal message asking how they are doing BOTH in and out of work. Then SUPPORT them however possible.
Here’s another article that lays out the top 10 benefits of workforce retention.